.. / Chisel-proxychains

Chisel creates encrypted tunnels between computers, allowing secure communication over untrusted networks. Proxychains tunnels traffic through proxies, obfuscating its origin. Together, they offer an added layer of security and privacy. Chisel also allows for port forwarding, forwarding a port on a local machine to a remote one, useful for accessing services on a remote machine that’s not directly accessible. This combination of tools can provide flexibility and functionality while ensuring secure and private communication.

Command Reference:

8000: port on machine on which the chisel server will be started

server/client: role which the chisel should take IP address of attacking machine

localhost/ IP address for pointing the port to, localhost for port on victim machine. Or IP address of machine which is one hop further in the network (, DC).

9050: port on which proxychains is running

Command: Copy Extra code: Copy References:


